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 Inverted Youth Podcasts

This page has a month to month list of podcasts from our Wednesday night Inverted Youth Services. Just simpy click on the play button next to the sermon of your choice and listen in!  If there is a message that you need and it has already been taken off of the website, please see Pastor Kyle and we will either give you a copy of the notes or make an audio CD for you! 

Invisible Ladders!

This night was full of energy! We kicked off our Gladiator Speed The Light series with this message because we felt like it would create the momentem for the next month. In this message you will hear an opening skit that helps bring to reality the need to feel secure! We all climb an invisible ladder of some sort in order to feed our nsecurities. Take a listen as we dig into what causes us to feel insecure and how to conquer that raw emotion! 


If you refuse to build your life around the security of Christ, you will eventually COLLAPSE when the stormy times come!

This was the closing night of our 3 week sermon series on RESCUE! This was a special night for me as a pastor because we set the stage for the teens to talk back! As I pointed them to a few scriptures about the Israelites FORGETTING about their God, I also compared it to our lives and how we have short term memeory loss (Used a funny clip from finding nemo where Dori has short term memory loss). Sometimes we just honestly forget certain standards while other times we flat out choose to be disobedient. Throught the message we had students answer some honest and bold questions about their culture and the issues with being a consisten Christ follower.


Unfortunately, do to the platform of the message a podcast was not made. However, there are sermon notes available for anyone interested! 

Short Term Memory Loss!


This was the second message in our RESCUE series. Many of us go throught life ignoring the small sins. Even worse, we ignore sin all together. In this message we take a look at how sin / bad  decsions that can lead to sin can damage something that was once healthy in our lives. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties the podcast was not uploaded. However, sermon notes are avaialable! 

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